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 Join us for our next morning coffee.

WEDNESDAY 26th March 2025
10.30 am – 12pm

Mister Fox at The Ringwood Golf Club

352 Canterbury Road, Ringwood


We’re back for morning coffee!


COVID-19 numbers now allow up to 70 people to gather outside. So please come and join us at Antonio Park, Mitcham (Cnr. Deep Creek Rd and Whitehorse Rd).

Complimentary tea, coffee and biscuits provided

Please DO NOT attend if you have any cold or flue like symptoms.

  • You must register your attendance to Jim Cain with your full name an contact details HERE
  • Your attendance will also be recorded on arrival.
  • You must wear a mask and social distance.

Seating is limited so BYO chair.




Notice is hereby given that the 2022 Annual General Meeting of the Triumph Sports Owners Association Victoria Inc. will be held at the Manningham Club, 1 Thompsons Road, Bulleen, 3105 on Tuesday 11th October 2022 at 7:30pm.


  1. Apologies
  2. To confirm the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 9th September 2021.
  3. President’s Report.
  4. Treasurer’s Report, including the Annual Financial Report.
  5. Committee and Delegate Reports.
  6. To receive and consider the Presented Reports and Financial Report for the year ended 30th June 2020.
  7. To elect an Office Bearer in each of the following:
    • President
    • Vice President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Social Convenor
    • Membership Secretary
    • Competition Secretary
    • Editor
    • Club Permit Officer
    • Website Administrator
  8. To elect three Delegates for
    • Motorsport Australia
    • MSCA Victoria
    • AOMC

Register Your Attendance

Please register if you wish to attend the Annual General Meeting, as there is a limited number of seats available.

Form submission is now closed.

Committee Election Nomination Form

Nomination Form NEW pdf image

Proxy Voting Form

Proxy Vote pdf image



Due to changes regarding the current COVID-19 numbers in the interest of members, the TSOA Committee have decided to cancel this event.

As soon as the situation improves we will re-schedule.

TSOA Vic Inc – “Jim’s” Coffee morning.

With a view to a further easing in the COVID – 19 lockdown restrictions from June 22nd  and in discussion with the executive committee, Jim Cain has organised a coffee morning event as a “first step” in a relaunch of face to face club meetings. Event to be held at the Lower carpark Warrandyte, Ringwood-Warrandyte Road, the entrance is on the left hand side of the Heidelberg-Warrandyte Road just before the city side of the Warrandyte roundabout if coming from the Doncaster/Templestowe direction and conversely on the right hand side just past the round about if coming from the Ringwood direction.

Map 1

The morning is to be conducted under strict COVID – 19 social distancing rules as specified by the Chief Medical Officer Victoria for up to a maximum of 50 people. We have 45 spots open ( 5 needed for the organisers/Club COVID – 19 officer).

All club members who wish to attend MUST register via the club website ( Click on Tickets in the Box next to the location) & include a current mobile number.  This is an important addition required by the government to allow a contact number for the Dept of Health in the event there is a need to track any incidence of COVID – 19. Your number will not be used for any other purpose.

The first 45 to register will be in.  Please register by 19hJune.

You will get a response for succesfull registration!

The location has some shelters and is in easy walking distance of the Warrandyte Coffee shops/bakery.

So it is BYO everything including a chair.

If unwell with any cold or flu symptoms prior to or on the day must not attend, but let the organisers know if you have registered: Your spot may be wanted.

We will have to practice social distancing and the other good practice principles recommended by government including Hand Hygiene.

We all need to be aware of our responsibility to each other to make the day safe by creating a safe environment to have a some fun.

We are in a restricted social environment and our members are in one of the vulnerable groups so, as always, if you have;

  • returned from overseas in the last 14 days;
  • been in contact with someone who has been overseas in the last 14 days;
  • been in contact with a person who has tested positive to Covid – 19 in the last 14 days;
  • a cough or other flu like symptoms;
  • been directed to self isolate;
  • a positive test for Covid-19, flu or anything like it
  • feel unwell without being diagnosed

Then You Must Not Attend The Event!


Entry Details TBA

MG Racing Australia

Round 6 MG Racing Series

Entries TBA