MG Racing Final

Enter  via the Motorsport Australia portal:

MG’s & Invited British Cars

A fair degree of modification is permissible such as the addition of mild rear spoilers and large flares. The MG’s often run with other selected British marques such as our Triumphs. For more information, see



MSCA Sprint Round 7

Entry Details Via MotorSport Australia Website.





MSCA Sprint

Entry Details Via MotorSport Australia Website.



YYRAustralia Day BYO Picnic

Come along to our “BYO Everything” Australia Day Tuesday 26th Jan for a get together at Yan Yean Reservoir.

Good parking and Electric BBQ’s.

Entry is via Recreation Rd off Arthurs Creek Rd Map 391 C1/D1 once inside the gates you need to turn left and the toilet block is on your right and the BBQ are scattered around as is parking.

Arrive around 10-10;30 is suggested


sir john black

Drive Your Triumph Day Monday 10th February 2025


This year there are two runs organised:

1;  Eastern side to Upper Yarra RSL,  start point; York on Lilydale, 138 York Rd, Mt Evelyn 11am departure with a approx. 40Km run to Upper Yarra RSL for lunch.

2: Western side to the Holegate Brewhouse, High Street, Woodend.  Start point; BP Calder Hwy outbound, Diggers Rest. 10.30am departure. Alternate meet point is Toolern Vale & departure planned from there at 11am.   Lunch bookings are required.

Registration for either run to Cameron Wright @ are essential for catering & clubman attendance records.

SJB 2025 route :  click on this link for route information




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Come join the annual New Years Breakfast BBQ at Schwerkolt Reserve in Mitcham.

5th January 2025  9.00am – 12pm.

Please bring your own chair and a cup.

Hope you see you there.

HP Banner coffee

 Our first coffee morning for 2025  Wednesday 26th February:

Poynton’s Nursery Cafe, 28 Vida Street Essendon @ 10.30am.pexels aphiwat chuangchoem 437716 edit


WEDNESDAY 28th February 2024 
10.30 am – 12pm

Poynton’s Nursery Café

28 Vida St. Essendon

PH. 9337 8111






please advise George Coulter of your intention to attend via clicking on the email tab under contact details.

Poyntons Cafe

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Join us for our next morning coffee.

WEDNESDAY 24th February 2021 
10.30 am – 12pm

Poyntons Nursery Café

98 Vida St. Essendon

  • You must register your attendance to Jim Cain with your full name an contact details HERE

Poyntons Cafe