Welcome to the ‘Hill’

We will be very excited to welcome you to the 31st Rob Roy Hillclimb celebrating 100 years of Triumph & MG cars with a timeline display of many of the models of both marques.

All classic cars welcome for the general display: Entry fee $10 per single, $20 full car

2023 historic flyer1200


The Healey Factory logo

The Healey Factory are providing a free tour of their workshops and some of their staff will explain what they do. It is generally a very interesting and informative night about classic cars.
They usually provide some light refreshments at the end. The last tour of the Healey Factory was held about 5 years ago.

Return of this popular Show & Shine & display. Join the Triumphs as part of the great display of classic vehicles at this popular event. Meet at the Shell Service Centre Outbound, Kalkallo M31(Hume Hwy)@ 0645 for a 7.00 depart or Ampol Avenel @ 8.00am pls advise attendance to events@tsoavic.com.au Entry $10 display car inc driver.


carsA Special Evening with Mike Breen

In 1976/’77 Mike was marketing Jaguar, Rover, Triumph, Mini and Moke and coordinating the Ron Hodgson Team Leyland and the London to Sydney Marathon (Moke/Terrier Truck). Get firsthand the story on the TR7 Pro Series and Pro Am. Share the history of his prototype TR7–Turbo… and the V8 Rally car. Enjoy tall stories and true about the development of the only Ozzie Factory TR7 V8, the Press Car and much, much more including more than 30 years at TOYOTA including Motorsport.

Bookings Essential

All Triumph Challenge 2022

New MSCA Logo Draft 25mm size for Survey Monkey

The MSCA annual Come & Try it Day is on again for those interested in getting started in motorsport   entries open at the MSCA web site entry portal.

Prposed run to Trentham for the National Heritage Motoring Day, AOMC Cavalcade of Transport,

Start from BP Rockbank (Outbound) TBC


See flyer for venue details:


under construction 2891888 1280

Preliminary info of the New members Day Sunday 22rnd May 22,  Run from Eltham thru Kinglake & onto Chequered Flag Stables, Airport West for lunch & meet & greet club members inc  Marque reps.  more details to follow inc e-blasts   all welcome:

Sir John Black Day

We are invited to join the TR Reg Run to the Grand Ridge Brewery, Mirboo Nth.   Starting from Warragul Woolworths car park in Victoria Street at the coffee & Cars monthly meeting. Full details on arrival.  Meet from 8.30 for 9.30 departure.

pub exterior

Join us for a club run & lunch at the Tooboorac Hotel

Start time 10,am Sunday 20th March 22 from the Calder Park BP Service Centre (outbound) Calder Hwy To register for the lunch please email,      events@tsoavic.com.au